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EM Face What's the big deal?

Here's the details..... EM Face Treatment


Backed by nine clinical studies across 15 global research centre's, it delivers a 30 per cent increase in muscle tone, 37 per cent reduction in wrinkles, 26 per cent increase in collagen and 23 per cent more lift.


EM Face is touted as a great alternative to filler: So what happens when we increase muscle tone? We re-volumise without having to use filler in our face. Lifting with your muscles.


Studies also show that 90 per cent of neurotoxin patients feel like they look more natural after an EM Face treatment. It’s great for so many people, especially if you feel that muscle relaxants leaves you looking a bit strange, or masks your ability to express yourself. It’s completely needle and toxin free. There’s no downtime, bruising, bleeding or swelling, either.

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EM Face

HIFES (High-Intensity Facial Electrical Stimulation): This component of Emface utilizes electromagnetic currents to contract the muscles in the forehead and cheeks. The purpose of this stimulation is to lift and elevate facial tissue. By strengthening and toning these muscles, it can help improve facial muscle tone, potentially leading to a more youthful appearance.


RF Technology (Radiofrequency): The RF technology employed in Emface involves the use of heat energy. This heat energy is applied to the skin, and it serves to trigger a wound-healing response in the treated areas. This response can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity, firmness, and youthful appearance.


By combining these two technologies, Emface aims to address and reverse the two primary causes of aging mentioned: the loss of facial muscle tone and the reduction of collagen production. The treatment aims to provide a non-invasive and potentially effective way to rejuvenate the facial appearance.


It's important to note that the effectiveness of such treatments can vary from person to person, and results may depend on factors like the individual's age, skin type, and overall health.


Non Invasive

The absence of downtime with Tidy Emface treatment offers several significant advantages for individuals seeking discreet and comfortable facial rejuvenation:

Privacy and Discretion: Tidy Emface allows individuals to maintain a low profile regarding their cosmetic treatments. Since there is no downtime or visible signs of recovery, patients can keep their procedures confidential, if they wish. This discretion is especially valuable for those who prefer not to disclose their aesthetic enhancements.


No Disruption to Daily Life: The fact that Tidy Emface doesn't require downtime means that patients can seamlessly integrate the treatment into their daily routines. There's no need to take extended time off work or social activities, making it a convenient option for individuals with busy schedules.


Comfortable and Painless: Tidy Emface is designed with patient comfort in mind. The treatment process is generally well-tolerated, and patients often experience minimal discomfort or pain. This comfort factor enhances the overall treatment experience, reducing anxiety and making it more accessible to a wider range of individuals.


Effective Collagen Stimulation and Muscle Tightening: Despite its comfort and lack of downtime, Tidy Emface remains a powerful treatment that targets both collagen production and facial muscle tone. This dual-action approach can lead to noticeable improvements in skin texture, elasticity, and facial contour, helping individuals achieve a more youthful appearance.

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Key Benefits


Combination of synchonized RF and HIFESTM energies for simultaneous treatment of facial skin and muscles

The procedure is completely non-invasive without any downtime


The procedure runs independently once applicators are placed you can relax with your ear pods.


Each Session £200  - 2/3 are advised for long term results.

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